Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Nothing to talk about
Mike: Hey Brandon, I went on your blog today and read your instructable on your Gameboy.
Brandon: Really?
Mike: Ya, I posted a bunch of comments on your blog again.
Brandon: Why do you keep doing that?
Mike: I dunno.
Brandon: Well sometimes they are kindda funny. You should write your own blog.
Mike: Ya, but I never have anything to write about.
Brandon: Neither do I, but I still manage to write one.
Mike: You should post this conversation on your blog.
Brandon: Yeah, maybe I will
The truth is, I really don't have anything to talk about. I pretty much sit down at my computer, reading digg or intructables until an idea for my blog comes around. Then I post it. Today I came home from work, put on a costume for Trick or Treaters, went on intructables.com and remembered the conversation we had. How do you come up with your ideas?
Oh, by the way...
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 30, 2006
Solar Gameboy for You
Read more
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Pros and Cons of Operating Systems
Yesterday I purchased an eMac. A few days ago I bought a Dell laptop. Because I now have a copy of all three major operating systems, I decided to do a story to celebrate. Since I do have all 3 OS's my story will compare the three.
First up, Microsoft Windows.Pros
- Easy to change settings
- Easy navigation
- Most programs made for it
- Comes with so much stuff that you can't use it all
- Windows Messenger starts up automatically (like I want it)
- Costs a lot of money
Next up, Apple MacintoshPros
- Easy to find common programs (bottom of screen)
- Comes with Safari (as opposed to Internet Explorer)
- Fast
- One mouse button and no mouse wheel
- Not as many options in the "System Preferences"
- Bottom bar* sometimes gets in the way
Last, but not least, Linux Ubuntu Pros
- An extremely easy to use desktop and system bar
- Comes with Firefox or Konqueror (not IE)
- Most likely the most secure
-Hard to install new software
- Not much commerical support
- Requires you to have a knowledge of how it works
For those of you who have got yourselves in the middle of an OS war, you can look here for suggestions. I am impartial to any system now because I have them all. So before you say that Macs suck, that Windows should die, or the Linux penguin (FYI his name is Tux) is annoying, get a copy of that operating system and find out for yourself.
*Someone commented and corrected me, The bottom bar is called a dock.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
This is what I do:
Step 1 - Recieve dumb comment
Step 2 - Read about how dumb their cause is
Step 3 - Click the little trash can

Step 4 - Click "Delete Comment" (No, I don't ever delete forever)

Step 5 - Check to make sure it is gone

This was both a tutorial on how to delete comments and a rant against spammers.
So if your a spammer, don't comment. (Not like you would have read this anyway)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Web Server
Oh well, I should go to bed now. See you all later.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Any way here's a funny pic to get you all through the week:

Friday, October 06, 2006
My First Flash Movie
Cool huh?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Search Engine Hits
I have had a few posts on Digg. No post has ever made it to the front page, but I still get the majority of my visitors from Digg.
Possible Nintendo Wii Release Date - 14 Diggs
Fastest/Slowest Search Engines - 4 Diggs
When to Reserve the Wii and PS3 - 1 Digg (My Digg)
This is weird. Before I got on Digg I always had less than 100 hits. Since Digg, I have had about 300 more Diggs (total of 400). Now last time I did math 14+4+1≠300.
Another fun thing to do is see how people search for you. All of the people who have found me used either Google or Digg searches. Here is what some people searched.
formatcdrive - it's in Turkish.
Spying Lens - OK then
It's also weird to see how many users use the random blog button. In blogger you can click a button that lets you jump to a random blog. Before Digg, however, I would not get any hits off of the random blog. Now I get a lot (30% of my hits give or take).
I like it when people visit my blog. I also like it when people comment on my blog. It lets me know that there really are people out there reading this. Thank you to all who really do read this.
Wii Reservations
Me-"So do you know when we can reserve the Wii and Playstation?"
Tyler-"We won't be taking any reservations for the Playstation 3. I am sure that we will allow reservations on the Nintendo Wii, because Nintendo knows how to make them fast. Call in within the next two weeks and we should have more information."
Me-"O.K. Thanks."
So call your local Game Stops during the next two weeks and hopefully they will have a reservation date.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
My Computers

As you can see, I have six computers and my family has two more. I personally think that they are just jealous because of my awesome computer setup. What do you think?
Update: I now have two more computers. A Dell Latitude with Win2000 Pro and an eMac running OSX