This is what I do:
Step 1 - Recieve dumb comment
Step 2 - Read about how dumb their cause is
Step 3 - Click the little trash can

Step 4 - Click "Delete Comment" (No, I don't ever delete forever)

Step 5 - Check to make sure it is gone

This was both a tutorial on how to delete comments and a rant against spammers.
So if your a spammer, don't comment. (Not like you would have read this anyway)
Thank you Mike. I do think that spam is dumb, but that's no reason to die for it. They are just trying to make money off it.
...maybe i should delete your comment.
I like spam - with hashbrowns!
Apparently you didn't get the point I made in my first sentence. I hate spam not S.P.A.M.
Or did you know and was just being dumb?...
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